Monday, May 28, 2012

Cystic acne and oily skin

acne, cystic acne, pimples, skin

Some people have claimed that dairy products, for example, make their skin break out. I don't know of any studies that have proven this, but even if this is true for you at your age, it's unlikely to be the cause of your severe, typical adolescent cystic acne. Even though it seems to live on grease, it's not likely to significantly affect your skin (unless you get the grease all over his face and doesn't wash it off).

Is it possible to control oil? Or is it the clogging of the pores that we're attempting to control?
Don't use harsh treatments to attempt to control oil - you stimulate the glands to produce even more oil afterwards and it becomes a vicious circle. Clogged pores are full of dead skin cells as well as oil, which give bacteria on the surface of the skin a great meal, leading to inflamed pimples. You want to gently clean the skin (if it's not one of those medicated bars - you may also want to try a non-drying cleanser) with a mild compound. Using a soft washcloth (no scrubbing) will help gently remove loose dead skin cells so that there's less to fall into the pores and clog them. There's no need to wash more than twice a day. Your next step is to fight the skin bacteria with an appropriate medication. A dermatologist may recommend Accutane, but it is strong stuff and should be considered for severe cystic acne that doesn't respond to any other measures.

Does after-shave irritate the cystic acne problem?
Well, after shave contains alcohol, which is not only drying (something to be avoided if you are using any other kind of topical or oral medication) but can irritate inflamed pimples. Shaving is said to be a good, mild exfoliate (gets rid of dead skin cells) but it may also irritate or cut inflamed pimples.

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