Sunday, August 30, 2009

Essential Oils for Acne: Using Aromatherapy for Clear Skin

Tea tree oil is known to have antifungal and antiseptic properties, and has been used for many years as an antimicrobial agent and to help c...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Acne- Know How It Forms And Get Clear Skin

Acne forms near the opening of the sebaceous glands that have hair follicle in them. In normal circumstances, the cells that form the wall o...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pregnancy and Acne Treatment

Do you ever see all those Clearasil or Oxy 10 commercials with the completely blemish free teenagers smiling broadly and telling you about h...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Birth Control Pills, Pregnancy and Acne - A Complete How-To Guide

Acne first comes about during adolescence, when hormone levels begin to increase.This sudden flucturation of hormones causes the sebaceous g...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Brush Your Skin and Keep Acne Away

The skin is the largest of the elimination channels. Through the skin toxins are eliminated which are brought to the skin surface from the ...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Selecting The Best Acne Treatment For Your Skin

Acne is a large problem for many individuals, including both teenagers and adults. Many people believe that the presence of acne will lessen...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Birth Control Pills And Acne: Clear Mind Or Clear Skin?

Before you read this article, I am duty-bound to tell you that this article is for women only (though I am sure men will be curious to read ...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Do I Need to Stop My Acne Skin Care Regimen During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy usually brings along with it a host of medical concerns which prompt behavioral and lifestyle changes. It is common knowledge tha...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Are the lasting effects of acne more than just skin deep?

The teen years are a trying time for any person. Although the worries and cares of adulthood are still far into the future, the teen is not ...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Acne Medication - Be Careful When Pregnant

Acne medication is of different types. You may have topical or oral medication. The medication may include antibiotics, retinoids, antimicro...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Essential Vitamins For Acne Remedy

Many nowdays are deficient in vitamins and minerals due to improper diet. Studies show that fewer than 32 percent of Americans eat the requi...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Options In Acne Treatment

Acne treatment is one of the most common requests dermatologists hear from their patients. The condition generally begins in the teenage yea...

Acne Treatments with the Use of Birth Control Pills and Antibiotics

Acne / Birth Control Pill For some female patients, treatment-resistant acne is caused by excessive production of hormones called androgens....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Acne Scars- Treat Them At Home With Tretnoin

Acne scars- why do they form? When we get acne many times it resolves without getting infected. This kind of acne leaves hyper pigmentation ...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What is photodynamic acne therapy? How does it work to help my acne?

Photodynamic therapy, is a relatively new acne treatment that uses a combination of a drug called 5-amino levulinic acid (ALA) and blue ligh...

Am I a good candidate for laser acne therapy if I have darker skin type?

As we may or may not know that acne is quite a common concern in people with darker skin. In fact, lasers have been avoided for acne treatme...

Can I do laser treatments while I am on oral or topical acne treatments?

We may not aware that laser and intense pulsed light treatment are often best to combine with other, i.e. mostly topical acne treatments for...

How many acne treatments do I need from those procedures done in the doctor’s office? How long does it take to see the results?

Studies have shown that the number of acne treatment sessions required to achieve satisfactory results will depend on the system used and th...

Friday, February 6, 2009

What laser and light treatments are available to treat my acne?

Laser stands for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation." Laser energy can be provided by various sources, i.e. ...

What is electrocautery?

Electrocautery is the use of an electric current that is converted into heat and passed through a fine tip in the treatment of acne. It work...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is cryotherapy right for me? Is it good to treat acne?

Basically, cryotherapy involves the use of liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide slush to treat our acne. These procedures are useful, but the d...

What is microdermabrasion? Do they really work for my acne?

Microdermabrasion works by using fine crystals blasted at the skin and then vacuumed back away from the skin. These two components help to t...

What is dermabrasion? Is it ideal for acne scars?

It is a process whereby the upper and middle layers of our skin are removed in order to improve our acne scarring condition. However, dermab...

Are chemical peels safe?

From the acne clear and acne care perspective, it is safe if done properly and can be done along with a topical or oral acne regimen to achi...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What is hormonal therapy? Do I need to have my hormones evaluated?

Hormonal therapy is an excellent option for women with acne (i.e. moderate to severe acne or in women with late-onset acne. To know more abo...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What are the side effects of oral isotretinoin?

We may not know that oral isotretinoin is considered by many as a very controversial drug because of some of the side effects associated wit...

Monday, February 2, 2009

What dose of isotretinoin is right for me?

As a matter of fact, the dose can vary and depend on our weight and the severity of our acne condition. The doctor will first determine how ...

Why didn't oral isotretinoin work for me?

It is good to know that recurrence of acne is not uncommon after an oral isotretinoin course. However, some people are able to successfully ...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

How many courses of oral isotretinoin can I take?

To minimize the risk of adverse long-term reactions that oral isotretinoin can have on our bones and other organ systems, we should follow t...

Can I have laser or cosmetic treatments, waxing, or other treatments done while I am on oral isotretinoin?

It is learnt that oral isotretinoin (sold under the trade name of Accutane, and its generics is known as Sotret or Amnesty) affects our skin...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Acne Scars - Can They Be Cleared Painlessly With Microdermabrasion

Acne scars are for life. As most of them form on the face, it becomes a major cosmetic problem. Those who have acne scars want to get rid of...

What should I avoid while taking oral isotretinoin to treat my acne?

The following may come in handy: Women should not get pregnant while taking oral isotretinoin or for at least one month after stopping oral ...

When I start oral isotretinoin, will my acne get worse before it gets better?

In some cases, there can be a flare of the acne in the first month after starting oral isotretinoin (sold under the trade name of Accutane, ...

Is oral isotretinoin suitable for my acne condition?

It is acknowledged that oral isotretinoin is the first-line treatment for severe acne and may also be used in people who have failed convent...

How long is the usual course of oral isotretinoin before I see results?

Studies have shown that most cases of severe acne respond to a single 4 to 6 month treatment course and that the effect of oral isotretinoin...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can I continue topical or oral acne treatments while I am pregnant? How long should I wait before I get pregnant?

It is learnt that acne is at its worst when women are at the height of their child-bearing potential, hence it is very important to let our ...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Which topical acne treatment formulations should I choose? Are creams better than gels, ointments, lotions or foam formulations?

It is learnt that when our skin is very oily, gels are much better tolerated but when our skin is very dry, those that come in creams or oin...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Should I use moisturizer while I am on topical acne treatment?

In general, if our skin is very oily, moisturizers are not required and need not be used. Nevertheless, the best time to use a moisturizer i...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Acne Treatment: How To Fight Bacteria

Acne is an inflamed disease of the skin, and it has many causes. One such cause is bacteria that is breeding in the pores of the skin. When ...

Are topical or oral steroids good for severe inflammatory acne?

It is leant that oral steroids are a preferred choice in very severe inflammatory acne because a short course will immediately reduce the nu...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Is benzoyl peroxide safe for treating acne vulgaris?

Studies have shown that BP (short for benzoyl peroxide) is considered to be safe and effective against superficial inflammatory lesions as i...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why do movies and rock stars or famous people never seem to have acne? What are their acne free secrets?

If we ever think they will never have acne, we are absolutely wrong. They are just like you and I, may get affected by acne as acne is a dis...
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